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Available 24/7: Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, you can use the space freely at your own pace.


On-site café: Enjoy authentic coffee at a discounted price at our affiliated café, LOOK UP COFFEE.”

Expert Support

Managed by


an Accounting Firm

Accounting & Tax Filing Support:
We offer accounting and tax filing services at virtually no cost.

Networking Events:
We host numerous networking events that you are free to join.

Dynamic Community

People who love Shimokitazawa come together, sparking exciting collaborations.

We provide a space where people with shared values can connect and build relationships.

about LUPO



Includes LUC’s Drink Service


Available 24/7

Whether you’re an early bird, a night owl, or a 24-hour worker, you can use our facilities anytime with peace of mind.

Mail Reception

Save Time with Mail Reception
Make the most of your time by letting us handle your mail. We’ll consolidate and hand it over when you visit, allowing you to stay focused on your business.

Enjoy a ¥100 discount per drink at our company-operated LOOK UP COFFEE, located just a 30-second walk away.

Free Bicycle Parking

Solve Bike Parking Issues
Shimokitazawa’s bike parking problems are no longer a concern for LUPO members!

Meeting Room

Our private meeting rooms are equipped with a large-screen monitor and whiteboard. At just ¥550 per 30 minutes, we offer the most affordable rates in Shimokitazawa.


We provide productivity-enhancing tools such as a second monitor, office supplies, and a multifunction device (printer/scanner) to support your work efficiency.

Your Business

Four Reasons



LUPO has on-site accountants and tax advisors, allowing you to consult directly with professionals. This supports the healthy growth of your business and enables swift strategic decision-making to boost sales.


Stimulate Your Mind with the Finest Coffee

Through our collaboration with LOOK UP COFFEE, LUPO offers a workspace where you can enjoy delicious coffee while you work. The comfortable café-like atmosphere boosts creativity, encouraging new ideas and solutions that can contribute to increased sales.


An Inspiring Growth Environment

LUPO offers abundant resources and shared spaces, allowing you to expand your network with professionals from various industries. This environment fosters new ideas and valuable business insights to support your growth.


A 24-Hour Focus-Driven Environment

At LUPO, available 24/7, you can work according to your productivity peak. This allows you to maximize your time, stay focused on your business, and drive greater sales growth.

Which Type Are You?


If you’re looking to lead your new business to success, LUPO is the ideal choice.

You can receive valuable advice on accounting and business management from our on-site accountants and tax advisors.

Entrepreneur / Startup Owner




If you work in a creative field such as design, writing, or illustration, LUPO’s calm environment and networking opportunities can spark fresh ideas.

Fuel your creativity with a caffeine boost from LOOK UP COFFEE and unlock your full potential!

Creative Freelancer



Business Professional
with a Side Hustle

For those managing a side hustle alongside a full-time job, LUPO’s 24-hour accessible workspace offers the flexibility to work on your schedule. You can also build a network with like-minded professionals in similar situations.


My Desk Plan
(Only 3 seats remaining)


¥49,500 / month

  • Dedicated Personal Workspace

  • Mail Reception Service

  • 24/7 Access

Free Desk Plan
(Only 2 seats remaining)

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¥29,700 / month

  • Access to Free Space

  • Optional Mail Reception Service

  • 24/7 Access

Side Hustles & Skill Growth
(Only 5 seats remaining)


¥14,300 / month

  • Available for use in the mornings, evenings, and on weekends

  • Access to Free Space

  • Optional Mail Reception Service

Inquiries (Application for Use)

Feel free to contact us or schedule a tour.

We will respond within business hours.

美奈子_ 問い合わせ_


Keio Inokashira Line / Odakyu Line

4-minute walk from Shimokitazawa Station

Enter Shimokitazawa Ichibangai and take the stairs on
the right side of LAWSON to the 2nd floor.


Tachiki Building 2F,
3-27-4 Kitazawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo

What Our
Members Say

I really LUPO because its so open and comfortable.
The staff are friendly and always greet me with a smile.
It's quiet enough to focus on work, yet has a cozy, homey feel where
you can also relax and have casual conversations.


Sakamoto Kaichi

LUPO is an office with a warm and inviting atmosphere that somehow makes you feel at ease as soon as you step in. Beyond the comfort of the space itself, everyone is so welcoming and it truly creates a relaxing environment. LUPO also provides the opportunity to connect with a diverse and inspiring community.


Member A

I've been a LUPO member since 2023. The free bicycle parking and Akari's warm welcome were two big reasons I became a member. I love the focused space where I can fully immerse myself in work. Although I'm self-employed, I appreciate connecting with people organically, and LUPO provides the space to do just that.

Hatanaka Chihiro

In the bustling, redeveloping area of Shimokitazawa, this office offers just the right level of quietness, making it an ideal place to focus and work. The fully equipped facilities are also a big plus!

LIBER Co., Ltd.

Sakoda Kōki

I've been using LUPO since around 2023, mainly when I find it difficult to concentrate at home or want a change of scenery. I appreciate LUPO's calm atmosphere and the opportunity to hear from people in different industries.

Koyama Shima

I’ve been working at this office since July 2016. It’s very homey, and the best part is being able to become friends with the members!

Alpha & Associates Co., Ltd.

Nakamura Yoshiko

While visiting the office to provide mobile massage sessions, I was drawn to the comfort of the space and became a member myself. LUPO blends the calmness of a library with the warmth of a familiar café. I really appreciate the kindness and warmth of everyone here.

Idōshiki Seitai Supēsu „and Sunny“

Sano Nobue

  • 土日も利用できますか?
  • 外部の人との打ち合わせに利用できますか?
    ご利用可能です。別途ゲスト利用料金が発生いたします。 会議室(有料)のご利用も可能です。
  • 電話やオンライン会議はできますか?
    各席、特に制限を設けていないため、問題ありません。 また、他の席と離れた個別ブース(無料)もご用意しております。
  • 税理士・会計士が常駐しているメリットは何ですか?
    一番多いのが、補助金・助成金サポートです。 補助金・助成金サポートを利用して、数年分のオフィス利用料以上のメリットを得たご利用者様も多くいらっしゃいます。 また、税務相談、経営相談(資金繰り)を通じて財務上の安全性の確認を受け、事業に集中することが可能です。


  • 2025年3月20日 19:00 – 20:00
    世田谷区, 日本、〒155-0031 東京都世田谷区北沢3丁目27−4 立木ビル 2F
    『CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS』公認スクール。下北沢の英会話教室「LUCEE」って? 英会話教室LUCEEは対面・少人数制で、アメリカのニュースチャンネルCNNで取り上げられたニュースを用いて本場の英語を学ぶことができる英語学習月刊誌『CNN ENGLISH EXPRESS』をテキストとして使用するレッスンが特徴です。
  • 2025年3月26日 10:00 – 12:00
    世田谷区, 日本、〒155-0031 東京都世田谷区北沢3丁目27−4 立木ビル 2F
    《 下北沢のコワーキングスペースLUPOで開催!オールfreeeデイ 》 一人で事業を行っていると、経理作業に割く時間を確保するのが難しく、どうしても後回しになりがちですよね。 そんな思いを抱える皆さん!一緒に月次経理の習慣づくりを始めませんか?🙌🏼 「オールfreeeデイ」は領収書整理に集中できる作業イベントです。freee会計が主催し、LUPOはパートナー拠点としてイベントのライブ配信を行っています。 みんなで時間いっぱい頑張った後には、オールフリー(ノンアルコールビール)での乾杯タイムが待っています🍻 一人じゃないから頑張れる!もしかして経理作業も好きになってしまうかも?!
  • 2025年3月28日 18:00 – 19:00
    世田谷区, 日本、〒155-0031 東京都世田谷区北沢3丁目27−4 立木ビル 2F
名称未設定のデザイン (1).png

©2024 LUPO All Rights Reserved.

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